John K. Grande 2015. március 12. óta a Pécsi Tudományegyetem díszdoktora.
1996-97 M. A. in Art History, Concordia University, Montreal
1985-86 Honours B. A., University of Toronto, Toronto
1987-88 Université de Montreal, French Language Studies
1982-83 U.B.C. Museum of Anthropology, Vancouver, B.C.
Ancient Materials Technology & Museum Artifact Conservation
1973-76 B.A., Art History, University of Toronto
Legutóbbi Könyvek és kötetek
Természet tükör, random tree editions, Sfantu Gheorghi, 2015
Art, Space & Ecology, Quinyan Press, Beijing, China, 2015
Fiction & Art Theoretical Perspectives, Bloomsbury Press, 2015
Deepak Khandelwal - Metamorphoses, Mumbai India 2015
Seneca Collage Art Collection, Seneca College, Toronto, 2014
Waldkunst Forest Art - Kunst Biotope, Darmstadt, Germany, 2014
Wollstoq’ St. John River, Beaverbrook Art Gallery , Fredericton, NB, 2014
Jeff Tallon - Arduous Interfaces, Engine Gallery, Toronto, 2013
Andre Fournelle Retrospective, Del Busso & Intvenit, France, 2014
Kathy Venter; LIFE, Gardiner Museum of Ceramic Art, Goose Lane, 2013
Mellifluence; Akash Choyal, ArtChill, Jaipur, India, 2013
Value Preserving Granaries, Bodvaszilas, Hungary-Slovakia Euro, 2013
40 for 40, ARTPARK, Lewiston, New York, USA, 2013
Vidyasagar Upadhyay - In the Fields of Colour & Light, Jaipur, India, 2013
Thomas May- Nature Reflected, Museum Manggha, Krajow, Poland
Ichi Ikeda, 5 Greenscapes, Shinobazu, Tokyo, Japan, 2013
Pathways, Rovaniemi Museum, Finland, 2013
Eco-Art, Pori Art Museum, Pori, Finland, 2012
Art into Nature, Borim Press, Seoul, Korea, April 2012
The New Earthwork, ISC Press, Washington DC, U.S.A. 2012
Dominique Paul, MAC des Laurentides, St. Jerome, Qc
Alpine Anatomy Mountain Art of Arnold Shives, Tricouni Press, 2012.
Black Peat, The Print Factory, Ireland, 2012 (with artist Alfio Bonanno)
Attila Pokorny, Towards an Endless Sculpture, Romania 2012
Food, Gallery 101, Ottawa ( text with images by Mark Mizgala) 2011
Homage a Jean-Paul Riopelle, Prospect/Gaspereau Press, N.S., 2011
Bertrand Carriere; Lieux Memes, l’Instant Meme, Quebec, 2010
Bob Verschueren Installations, Editions Mardaga, Belgium, 2010
The Landscape Changes; Poems Prospect / Gaspereau Press, N.S., 2009
Art Allsorts: Writings on Art & Artists Volumes I & II, Go If Press, 2009
Stonehenge & Avesbury, New Leaf Editions, Vancouver, B. C., 2009
Landscape for Art: Contemporary Sculpture Parks, U. of Washington, 2008
Northern Imaginary; Patrick Huse, Delta Press, Norway, 2008
Dialogues in Diversity: Art from Marginal to Mainstream, Pari Publishing, Italy, 2007Conversations on Sculpture, isc press, Hamilton, N.J., 2007
Sur le Terrain Dominique. Laquerre, le Sabord, 3 Rivers, Quebec, 2007
In Memory of the World, Go If Press, Montreal, 2006
Mystical Mosquito, Prospect Press, Vancouver, B.C., 2005
Dialogos Arte Naturaleza (Spanish), Fundacion Cesar Manrique, 2005
Art Nature Dialogues, SUNY Press (State Univ. of New York) U.S.A., 2004
Mouvement Inuitif: Patrick Dougherty,Atelier 340, Bruxelles, 2004
Balance: Art & Nature, Black Rose, Revised edition (3rd ed.), Jan. 2004
Erik Kurdol: Perpetuum Immobile, Lillehammer, Norway, 2003
A Biomass Continuity. Coco Gordon & John Grande, Go If Press, 2003.
Jouer avec le Feu: Armand Vaillancourt sculpteur engage, Lanctot, 2001
Playing with Fire! Armand Vaillancourt: Social Sculptor, Montreal,1999
Nils-Udo: De l'art avec la nature, Wienand Verlag, Cologne, Germany,
1999 Intertwining: Landscape,Issues,Technology,Artists, Black Rose Books, Montreal,
1998 Art, nature et societé, Editions Ecosociete, Montreal, 1997
Balance: Art and Nature, Black Rose, Montreal,, 1994 (2nd Ed, 1996)
Art & Environment, The Friendly Chameleon, Toronto, Canada, 1992
1987-2012 Cikkek, versek, novellák, interjúk és összegzések:
Artforum (USA), Sculpture (USA), Public Art Review (USA), Fibrearts, Art On Paper (USA), ArtNews (USA), British Journal of Photography, Canadian Art ,Vie des Arts, Adbusters, Art Papers (U.S.A.), Yishu Journal of Contemporary Chinese Art, Public Art & Landscape (China), Landscape Architecture, Ottawa Magazine, Arts Atlantic, Espace, Border Crossings, Canadian Forum, Ciel Variable, CIRCA (Ireland), Vice Versa, Arts Review (UK), La Revue Etc, Musicworks, Ceramics Monthly, Modern Poetry in Translation (UK), Journal of Comparative Literature & Aesthetics (India).
Legutóbbi kiállítások:
2015 Merano Nature Art Spring, Merano, Italy
2014 Earth Art, Royal Botanical Gardens, Burlington, Ontario
2013 Kathy Venter - Life, Gardiner Museum of Ceramic Arts, Toronto
2012 Earth Art, Van Dusen Gardens, Vancouver, B.C.
2011 Eco-Art, Pori Art Museum, Finland art and ecology exhibition . 2008-2009 Earth Art, Royal Botanical Gardens, Burlington, Ontario
2005 Eco-Photo, Dorsky Gallery, Long Island City, New York, USA