
Coronavirus information site

Information for international students – Dr. István Tarrósy PTE

International Centre Director Dr. István Tarrósy addresses the international student community at the University of Pécs in light of the recent regulations connected with Covid-19.

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Immediate measures at UP due to coronavirus pandemic

On November 10, 2020, the Hungarian Parliament voted on a bill on the extraordinary authorization of the government, which means that the Hungarian government received the power to govern by decrees for 90 days, in order to mitigate the epidemic in...

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Stay at home in the evenings

A state of emergency has been reintroduced by the Hungarian Government due to the novel coronavirus pandemic. This means that the Government can take swift action in connection with the epidemiological situation based on the recommendations of the...

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Stricter measures in mask and home quarantine requirements

The Hungarian Government introduced stricter mask requirements from 2 November 2020. Rules of home quarantine also modified from 29 October. Mask requirements From 2 November, wearing a facemask is required in all areas of shops and shopping centres...

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COVID-19 Protocol

Only healthy individuals, who do not show any symptoms of coronavirus infection, shall enter the university's buildings and visit events and classes there. If you notice any of the known symptoms (coughing, breathing difficulties, shortness of breath...

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A New, Promising Medicine is Being Tested with the Cooperation of the University of Pécs!

We must protect people’s life and health and at the same time we need to make sure that the Hungarian economy is working, therefore every research concerning the fight against coronavirus is of key importance. As Tamás Schanda, Deputy Minister of the...

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The Second National Laboratory at UP is Open!

17 national laboratories, out of which two belong to the University of Pécs, and a research laboratory started operating on 25 September. László Palkovics, minister of innovation and technology has officially opened the Human-Reproduction and...

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Significant Donation for the UP Foundation

The UP Foundation received numerous donations so far, one of which has a peculiar story behind it; Anna Szabó’s generous donation helped with the fight against the coronavirus tremendously. The young Hungarian woman is a well-known dog photographer...

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Coronavirus: the Latest Regulations - UPDATE

- Update - According to the recently published government decree, MÁV-Start and Volánbusz will introduce stricter regulations concerning the use of masks from Monday 21 September: masks will continue to be mandatory on public transport means (trains...

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Order on the provisions of postings, inbound travels, and international mobilities with a view to the epidemiological situation

Joint Order No. 16/2020 of the Rector and the Chancellor on the provisions of postings, inbound travels, and international mobilities with a view to the epidemiological situation. With a view to Govt. Decree 283/2020 (17 June) on introducing a state...

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