
Coronavirus information site

Rector's Message

Dear Colleagues! Dear Students! Even though we had a slight glimmer of hope that the worst parts of the COVID epidemic have passed we still have to face new challenges. The pandemic has gained its second wind and now it affects the younger...

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Order on the provisions of epidemiological preventive measures in the dormitories

Joint Order No. 15/2020 of the Rector and the Chancellor on the provisions of epidemiological preventive measures in the dormitories. Scope Article 1 (1) The scope of the regulation shall cover all dormitories and other accommodations (hereinafter...

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Order of entering the premises of the university and hygienic rules

Joint Order No. 14/2020 of the Rector and the Chancellor on the order of entering the premises of the university and the hygienic rules applicable during the epidemiological preparedness. The leadership of the University of Pécs (hereinafter...

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Our Cyber Security and the COVID-19

Two students of UP Earth Sciences PhD Programme have won the first and second place at the Cyber Security Policies Conference on 25 May, which at the same time has been the final for the national research competition. In the finals, Nedim Márton El...

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Frequently Asked Questions – After the State of Emergency

The state of emergency has been cancelled in Hungary on 18 June, and on this day a so-called state of alert is now effective. We have collected the frequently asked questions in connection with the current situation. This article will be continuously...

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14 Lessons of the Pandemic

A sudden change is not predictable, however, you can prepare in advance for it. Not with pre-established plans, regulations, but with flexibility, open-minded thinking and mobilisation of our resources, otherwise known as adaptation. This can mean a...

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Joint Austrian-Hungarian Vaccine Development Begins

"The Virological Research Group of Szentágothai Research Centre, University of Pécs and the Austrian biotechnology company CEBINA GmbH are launching a joint COVID-19 vaccine development project, for which both the Austrian and the Hungarian research...

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National Virology Laboratory Lead by University of Pécs

The National Virology Laboratory will be established with the leadership of the Szentágothai János Research Centre, University of Pécs. The new institution will be organized and lead by Professor Ferenc Jakab virologist – announced minister László...

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A Possible Treatment for Coronavirus

The Pharmacy of the Clinical Centre, University of Pécs received a medicine donation on 23 May, that may be a possible treatment for 100 COVID-infected patients. The Japanese government donated the drug to Hungary, however, it has to undergo clinical...

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More Frequent Bus Service

To meet the increased demand of transportation thanks to the recent relaunching of the economy, the Tüke Busz Zrt will provide more frequent bus service from 25 May. The following apply from 25 May: you can get on the bus only at the front door, to...

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