
Coronavirus information site

UP’s online student services

Dear Student, We would like to remind everyone that UP’s student services are continuously available as online distance services: STUDENT COUNSELLING The psychological support is provided in virtual space, via online channels, preferably via Skype...

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Useful information and advices

Dear Students! It became clear today that the novel coronavirus epidemic is entering the group infection phase, meaning that the new source of infection concerning the newly identified cases cannot be determined with certainty. Younger people often...

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How to get help if you get sick

Who can international students seek if they get sick during the state of emergency? GP services are free-of-charge for UP international students at the UP Centre for Occupational Health and Safety during the state of emergency, according to the...

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News about coronavirus

Interview with Prof. Ferenc Jakab.

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Advice for international students – Koltai Arnold PTE

Advice for international students – Koltai Arnold PTE

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Advice for international students – Dr. Tarrósy István PTE

Advice for international students – Dr. Tarrósy István PTE

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COVID-19: Restrictions and Sanctions (17 March)

Due to the emergency, the Hungarian government introduced further restrictions. This government decree enters into force on 17 March. The following is a summary of the major changes that have taken place on March 17, 2020, affecting all our lives: •...

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COVID-19: Changes in Public Transport (17 March)

Fewer buses, summer schedule, front doors are closed. On 17 of March, Tükebusz Zrt. switches to summer schedule. In order to protect bus drivers, doors in the front of the bus and the front area of the inside are closed, and bus tickets are not...

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COVID-19: Online Learning, Thesis Works and other Important Info (16 March)

What are the conditions of home office at UP? Order 5/2020 of the Chancellor on the conditions of home office and its appended form have been issued. Employees having children have to fill in the request form for home office. Employees without...

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COVID-19: Prime Minister Met Virology Professors of the University of Pécs (16 March)

On Monday (16 March) morning, the Operational Group responsible for the fight against the coronavirus had a meeting chaired by Prime Minister Viktor Orbán at the Ministry of Interior. Following the meeting, the Prime Minister consulted with virology...

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