Relaxation of Regulations

Coronavirus information site




Since the number of inocculated people in Hungary has officially reached 2.5 million, the gradual reopening starts from 7 April.

Here are the latest details:

  • The curfew is modified to last from 10 pm until 5 am.
  • Shops are able to stay open longer, from 5am until 9:30 pm.
  • The shops (clothes shops, shops in malls, furniture shops) that are currently closed and have been since 8 March, can open, on a square-metre basis. 1 costumer/10 square metres/shop.
  • Temporary security measures involving several services will no longer be in effect, meaning that hairdressers and beauty salons and further services can also open – however, under different rules.
  • Nevertheless, businesses of the hospitality sector still cannot open; only the employees can be present at the workplace. Customers can only enter the restaurant to pick up their order.
  • Hotels will remain closed.
  • In the case of services requiring personal appearance, waiting in front of the business providing a service or in front of a shop in a mall, customers need to keep a distance of 1.5 metres.
  • Regulations for wearing masks remain unchanged.

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