Open Letter to the Citizens of Pécs from Rector Attila Miseta

Coronavirus information site





Dear Citizens of Pécs!

In this extraordinary situation, more and more acts keep happening that adversely affect international students studying in Pécs. This is especially so in the case of students from the far East, even if they have been living in Western Europe for years.

The COVID-19 infection does not discriminate, I ask you not to do that either. Unfortunately, humankind is limited in what it can do to stop the pandemic, but the health care system and the Hungarian authorities are competent. Despite this, the increase of the number of infected patients is inevitable. The specific epidemiological procedures and rules of hygiene are to be followed by everyone, they are available on government websites, in the press, or on the websites of the University as well. If everyone follows these protocols, the consequences can be minimized.

I would like to take the opportunity again to thank the healthcare workers, who are on the frontline fighting against the disease, I wish them continued strength! At the same time, the calm, responsible and moderate behaviour will also facilitate their work. Together we will be more effective!

Yours sincerely,

Dr. Attila Miseta



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