No First-Door Boarding of Buses

Coronavirus information site




Because of the pandemic situation, in order to protect the bus drivers, the Tüke Busz company decided to temporarily close the front-doors of buses from passengers beginning 6 April.

Passengers can use all other doors. To avoid the risk of infection, the seats behind the driver’s seat will be closed off with a ribbon to enable to keep the safe distance from the driver as well.

At the same time, you will not be able to purchase tickets from the driver temporarily.

You can purchase tickets before boarding at the ticket offices and in the mobile application. Monthly passes and tickets will be frequently controlled at bus stops and on the buses.

The Tüke Busz company kindly asks passengers not to use public transport if they have a fever or are sick.

It is still mandatory to wear a mask on all public transport vehicles, to protect both the passengers and the drivers.

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