COVID-19: Online Learning, Thesis Works and other Important Info (16 March)

Coronavirus information site




  • What are the conditions of home office at UP?

Order 5/2020 of the Chancellor on the conditions of home office and its appended form have been issued.

Employees having children have to fill in the request form for home office.

Employees without children first have to consult with their employer (there is no form for that) and if the employer approves, then the form must be filled.

Home office qualifies as the regular work schedule and is paid, so it does not have to be reported as absence. Each unit must keep a record of who works from home.

All current instructions and form in HR topic:írus

Details: Resolution 15/2020 (III.16.) of UP Operative Crew


  • What should I do if a close relative has recently returned home from abroad?

The UP Operative Crew strongly recommends and asks all University staff, especially health workers, to inform their employer immediately if a relative in the household has recently returned from an area where epidemiological measures have been taken by the authorities during their stay, paying particular attention to the National Center for Public Health's Travel Report (

If necessary, please contact the epidemiological specialists of the UP (tel.: +36305773764), comply with the protocols recommended by the health professionals and immediately inform your employer about the result. After that, the employer will decide if any other measures shall be taken according to the 4/2020 Joint Order of the Rector and the Chancellor.

Recommendation 17/2020 (III.16.) of UP Operative Crew


  • Is it possible to work elsewhere beside the public employment relationship?

The UP Operative Crew strongly recommends and requests University staff to review their other employment status besides public employment and suspend them for the duration of the emergency, especially for health workers, to minimize risks.

During the state of emergency, employees deciding to continue working in their other employment status under their own responsibility must consider the potential legal and epidemiological consequences.

Recommendation 18/2020 (III.16.) of UP Operative Crew


  • What is the procedure for doctoral and habilitation cases?

The UP Operative Crew recommends that a maximum of 10 people (including doctoral students, dissertators, committees, opponents) take part in doctoral activities requiring publicity (e.g. final exam, workshop discussion, defense). UP also supports the use of ICT tools in this area. The Committee may also resolve anonymous voting using any appropriate online platform.

However, the UP Operative Crew recommends that habilitation procedures be suspended during the emergency.

The UP Operative Crew also recommends that group training of doctoral students (e.g. in the form of lectures, internships, research seminars, courses) be suspended during the emergency and, where possible, online learning provided by the doctoral school.

The UP Operative Crew does not consider it necessary to restrict the meetings of the UDC, UHHC, and the sectoral Doctoral Councils, if quorum can be reached, but it is encouraged to use of ICT tools in communication and decision-making.

Recommendation 20/2020 (III.16.) of UP Operative Crew on doctoral and habilitation matters


  • I attend in-house training. What about these?

With its resolution 7/2020 (III.12.), the UP Operative Crew unanimously ordered the suspension of all internal training of the University of Pécs until the end of the emergency.

The Legal Department of the Chancellery will assist in the preparation of amendments to grant agreements for internal training courses.

Resolution 24/2020 (III.16.) of UP Operative Crew


  • I'm writing a thesis. Can I go to the university to write my thesis or during the defense? Or do I have to defend it online?

Exemption from the ban on visiting the institution is currently not possible, even if the preparation and/or defense of a thesis (e.g. diploma concert) is dependent on the personal presence of students at some Faculties (e.g. Faculty of Engineering and Information Technology, Faculty of Music and Visual Arts). Our University is awaiting a resolution from the Ministry for Innovation and Technology on the next steps.

Recommendation 21/2020 (III.16.) of UP Operative Crew


  • I am doing an internship, so far, the UP Operative Crew recommended that I suspend this. Can't I do it online?

The Operative Crew of the UP has modified its previous recommendation (3/2020 (III.12.12)): students who are doing their internship at the University's practicing institutions or other partner organizations should suspend their professional practice from 13 March 2020 until the end of the emergency if practical training is not possible online.

Recommendation 22/2020 (III.16.) of UP Operative Crew


  • Now that we have spring break and online learning, can I work outside of the university?

The UP Operative Crew recommends that, generally, during the spring break and the period of online learning, students do not establish an employment status outside of the University and should also consider maintaining their existing employment with the utmost care expected in the current emergency. Students deciding to establish employment status under their own responsibility must consider the potential legal and epidemiological consequences.

Recommendation 23/2020 (III.16.) of UP Operative Crew


  • I would soon sit a language exam at UP. Are these being postponed now?

The UP Operative Crew suspended any language examination activity of the University for an indefinite period in view of the emergency and in accordance with Government decisions in this regard.

Resolution 26/2020 (III.16.) of UP Operative Crew


  • What other communication materials are to be expected?

The UP Operative Crew requested the development of communication materials for students, teachers and staff regarding behavioral recommendations, the consequences of the Stipendium Hungaricum scholarship holders returning to their respective home countries, communication on “returning home” requests for foreign students, and to prevent the stigmatization of international students.

Resolution 27/2020 (III.16.) of UP Operative Crew

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